
Hashing out the meaning of business strategy: student edition

William Woods Business

In the context of business, we often hear buzzwords like “strategy,” “strategic plan,” or “strategic approach,” yet over the years, several studies have shown that few people actually understand their employer’s strategy. Some have attributed this issue to poor communication between company leadership and rank-and-file employees; others point to common overuse of the terms as […]


April 10th, 2017

Posted in Business At Work

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The Future of Collaborative Leadership in Solving Global Problems

William Woods Business

Fresh water scarcity is a global humanitarian issue but also a critical business problem for a number of industries including the beverage business. Take Coca-Cola for example, who uses two liters of fresh water for every one liter of product, and has a significant number of production plants in regions affected by water shortages. A […]


January 12th, 2015

Posted in Tech + Leadership

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