
MBA internship opportunities on the rise

William Woods Business

Recent research conducted by the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC), shows that many employers are expanding their MBA internship opportunities this year. According to GMAC’s poll of some 140 employers, almost 60 percent said they plan to increase the number of internships offered to MBA candidates. This news is particularly encouraging considering the role of […]


July 5th, 2017

Posted in Business Degree at Work, Professional Development

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The future is bright for business graduates

William Woods Business

Current Master of Business Administration students who may have entered graduate school in a somewhat questionable economy: the light at the end of the tunnel may be in view. As of last week, the U.S. unemployment rate is 5.3 percent — the lowest it’s been since April, 2008. But what kinds of industries are these […]


September 17th, 2015

Posted in Business At Work, Missouri Business Trends

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Rising tide of MBA graduates in manufacturing

William Woods Business

The versatility of an MBA degree has always been evident in the range of industries in which the students find work after graduation. Industries such as consulting, finance and technology have traditionally been among popular career choices for many MBA grads. However, in recent years, some parts of the country­ have seen hikes in the […]


July 29th, 2015

Posted in Business At Work, Missouri Business Trends

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How emotional intelligence can help sustain your career

William Woods Business

The importance of emotional intelligence, or one’s ability to manage their own emotions and the emotions of others, has been a buzzing topic within the business community and academia. Our previous post discussed the role emotional intelligence plays in business decision-making and its inherent implication on business success. However, a recent study by Douglas Hall, […]


July 9th, 2015

Posted in Business At Work

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MBA Career Progression: Things to Consider

William Woods Business

For many MBA graduates, earning an MBA marks a special milestone in their career with ample opportunities for the future. Whether you have completed your degree or are nearing the finish line, planning your next career move is an important part of the career transition process. Below, we’ve put together four key considerations to think […]


June 17th, 2015

Posted in Business At Work

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The Importance of Big Data for MBA Students

William Woods Business

As the conversation about big data and its advantages continues across industries, many MBA prospects are turning to schools and programs with a special focus on analytics. Spurring the interest, are firms like General Electric Co., Boeing Co. and Walt Disney Co. who are looking to hire more analytics talent. However, some data experts point […]


May 18th, 2015

Posted in Business At Work

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Job Market Optimism for MBA Graduates

William Woods Business

Job outlook optimism continues to grow for MBA program graduates. Last month, sources such as British Broadcasting Company (BBC), and Business Because — a network connecting business students, employers, and business schools around the world — discussed positive trends in the MBA job market. The BBC article, “Newly minted MBA? It’s the best job market […]


April 20th, 2015

Posted in Business At Work

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