
Why managers fail: Leading vs. micromanaging

William Woods Business

Katy Tynan, a leading expert in the evolution of work, recently wrote an article for the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) in which she explains why most new managers are not well prepared to take on a managerial role. “New managers must understand that the habits that made them successful as individual contributors are […]


September 15th, 2017

Posted in Leaders

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How organizations manage crisis and what’s business got to do with it

William Woods Business

In their book, Navigating an Organizational Crisis: When Leadership Matters Most, writers Harry Hutson and Martha Johnson, draw from real life examples such as the Oklahoma City bombing, Hurricane Katrina, and the 2008 financial crisis, to offer surprising insight into what it takes to be an effective leader in a time of disaster. Their answer: […]


May 23rd, 2016

Posted in Business Books & Resources

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Business course spotlight: Managerial Statistics

William Woods Business

Our previous post discussed the value of predicting business trends with helping businesses stay ahead of their competition. Managerial Statistics or BMT468 is course offered at William Woods University that teaches business students how to make inferences about the future based on statistical information. Statistics is a study of the collection, analysis, interpretation and organization […]


January 18th, 2016

Posted in Business Books & Resources

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